Sabinsa Corporation founder Muhammed Majeed Ph.D. was honored with the NIB Global Innovation & Excellence Award at a ceremony organized by the Public Relations Council of India(PRCI) and the Press Club of India on February 20, 2016. The award was largely in recognition of the Intellectual Property portfolio attained by the Sami-Sabinsa Group, now encompassing 110 US & international patents.
“Innovation is a key driver for successful companies,” said Dr. Majeed said in his speech accepting the award. “When you establish a dedication to research and innovation as a corporate culture, incredible discoveries can happen, as evidenced by obtaining 15 new patents in recent months.”
The recent patents comprised of ingredients such as Calebinoids; stilbenoids; peptides; 3-hydroxypterostilbene; boswellic acids; and garcinol along with several others in countries ranging from China and New Zealand to the US, Canada and Mexico. The categories ranged from hypercholesterolemia, weight management, treating skin aging, inhibiting and preventing adipogenesis, protecting articular cartilage and even a hepatoprotectant molecule. Many of these will find a place in Sabinsa’s Nutraceutical, Cosmeceutical, Functional Food and Natural Drug divisions for commercialization and licensing.
In discussing the most recent patents, Dr. Majeed noted that “The current R&D impetus of the Sami-Sabinsa group focuses strongly on immunological basis of disease management by natural principles. With precise scientific evidence generation at the basic, pre-clinical and clinical research stages, the group believes in creating reliable and responsible science. This objective has been recognized by the intellectual property systems across the globe.”

Dr. Majeed accepting the award from former Union Minister for Food Industries and Civil Supplies, Mr. K.V. Thomas, currently the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of Parliament

Dr. Majeed’s acceptance speech highlighted innovation as a key driver for successful companies