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Bacillus coagulans
A versatile, room temperature-stable probiotic with documented clinical effectiveness
- It is a gram positive, indole negative, rod-shaped bacteria with terminal spores that produce L(+) Lactic Acid
- It’s naturally microencapsulated form creates greater stability and helps to proliferate within the GI tract
- It is an extremely fastidious organism, growing optimally at 30°C to 37°C & optimum pH in the range 5.5 to 6.2
- GRAS Self-Affirmed: December 2008
- Safety Level: 250 million CFU spores/person/day is safe
- Baked Goods
- Breakfast Cereals
- Other Grains
- Fats & Oils
- Milk Products
- Cheese
- Frozen Dairy
- Soft Candy
- Confectionary & Frosting
- Gelatins & Puddings
- Soups
- Snack Foods
- Non-alcholic Beverages
- Imitation Dairy Products
- Hard Candy
- Sugar Substitutes
- Instant Coffee & Tea