Study supports safety and efficacy of Sabinsa’s DigeZyme® multi-enzyme complex
The safety and efficacy of Sabinsa’s proprietary blend of non-animal sourced enzymes for people with dyspepsia are supported by results of a new randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study.

Sabinsa announces efficacy of its multi-enzyme product
A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study published in the peer reviewed Journal of Medicinal Foods provided clinical evidence supporting the safety and efficacy of Sabinsa’s multi-enzyme complex DigeZyme, a proprietary blend of non-animal sourced enzymes, in the management of dyspeptic symptoms in patients with functional dyspepsia.

‘Gut Feelings’ bring overall health & vitality- Shaheen Majeed
“A healthy gut is a healthy body” this saying connotes how essential maintaining optimal health of the digestive system is for overall wellbeing. However, the digestive system is the most ignored part of our body until there is a problem. When the digestive system is not functioning the way it should, people can experience problems ranging from poor nutrient absorption…

Who’s who of manufacturers and suppliers
For me, it’s Curcumin C3 Complex®. When I look at the humble beginnings of bringing out the powder, then standardizing it and helping it grow through world-renowned studies, it has matured into one of the greatest ingredients for our marketplace and for our time…